Not so long ago, marketing consumer products felt like a genteel game of lawn tennis: Established competitors invested in creative with long lead times, using proven models of TV and big-box retail, alongside trusted agency partners. Today, it’s more like a sprawling contest of mixed martial arts, with new competitors playing by different rules; an unprecedented complexity of channels, content and partners; and a step change in speed and ways of working that has punches flying at incumbent consumer products companies. Within the span of most executives’ careers, advances in technology have reshaped how consumers engage with brands.





July 02, 2019



01. Сhallenge

Fueling the blur of combat is a radical shift in brand growth models. Within the span of most executives’ careers, advances in technology have reshaped how consumers engage with brands. In the US and UK, more than 60% of consumers now discover products online, and 85% of millennials trust reviews from a faceless stranger more than traditional advertising. The same technology advances have dramatically altered the competitive landscape.

02. Solutions

What’s the right path forward? Reinventing the brand growth model requires more than a reallocation of marketing budget to digital. CMOs need a reassessment of growth platforms and future brand portfolios, a new understanding of the consumer journey, a supporting strategy on data and technology. Fueling the blur of combat is a radical shift in brand growth models. Within the span of most executives’ careers, advances in technology have reshaped how consumers engage with brands. In the US and UK, more than 60% of consumers now discover products online, and 85% of millennials trust reviews from a faceless stranger more than traditional advertising. The same technology advances have dramatically altered the competitive landscape.

marketing analysis
business innovation
finance strategy
corporate management
03. Results

A utility company was steadily losing customers as consumers gained the right to select their energy supplier. To boost loyalty, we helped the company transform its culture to be intensely customer-focused.

We helped a global technology company that specializes in software to reduce the complexity and mystery around their pricing strategy. The work helped generate millions more in income each year. We helped a multibillion dollar global technology giant simplify structures, save millions in costs, and create better-prepared sellers with more time for customers. We helped a multibillion dollar global technology giant simplify organizational structures, save millions in costs.

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